Monday, October 21, 2013

Week 16

My RAD shirt from Kirby =) Love it! So cute!

Hello everyone reading this.............  this week was difficult as usual... things just weren't...... happening.. ok... so sister Gardner and I worked really hard in weekly planning and nightly planning to have appointments and we had a lot of our week filled by Tuesday so we were way excited. We had a lot of exciting lessons/appointments but...... people have their agency and cancel appointments.... we had 14 canceled appointments this week!!! WHAT!?!? that must be a record! AND we had 3 people tell us that they didn't want to learn anymore... so they "dropped" us... BUT it all paid off on Saturday night.... =D =D =D =D we had a member tell us that they had a friend they wanted us to teach the first lesson to.. sooo we go to their house and chat with their friend for about 30 minutes.. because dinner wasn't ready. during the closing of dinner i thinking "uh... does she know we are going to teach her..." Brother Tremmal say "ok, BK you and the sister go in the living room and they will have a little discussion with you" and she acted all excited so we were like "ok ok yeah!" so we taught her the Restoration and the spirit was sooooooo strong!! My heart was beating really hard and I was sweating ha ha.. she was almost in tears. We invited her to be baptized and she accepted! oh man... it was so amazing.. the feeling was soooooooooo GOOD! I would have 14 cancelled appointments just to meet an amazingly prepared woman like that any day!!! she is sooo cool. She has a dog who she takes to hospitals for people to pet him =) and she crawled under a trailer to save 7 kittens before our dinner appointment AND she couldn't come to church the next day because she she was going to a birthday party for little kids and she dressed up like a clown ha ha SHES AWESOME! i love her already =) 

This is our desk... Maybe we should organize it huh?

ok so there is this really good talk in the ensign from this month it's Called "Christ Healed the Sick". It's on page 17... GO READ IT! it talks about a young woman who turns her life around after asking for a priesthood blessing from her dad. Our Heavenly Father Loves EVERY SINGLE one of us. He KNEW that we would mess up, he knew that we would all sin. That is why he provided us a Savior. Our brother Jesus Christ died for our sins! He has felt every single sorrow and pain we have ever felt. Through him we can be cleansed and made whole if we recognize him as our savior and redeemer. It's never too late. He wants us all to be made whole and happy through the atonement.

 This is the phone we use. I took this picture of Sister Davidson last p-day. Hahahaha
Ok funny/horrible moment of the week... looking back on it.. it is pretty funny.. actually it still kind of makes me mad inside.. ok so we got a media referral so we went to the house and her husband answers and says she isn't back from Texas... so we talk to Ernie for a while... he was extremely rude... he was telling us about what he believes and then i was like "Can i tell you what we believe?" he said yes... so i tell him and i am baring my testimony and....... HE STARTS LAUGHING..... WOW I have never had any one laugh at my testimony! so... that kind of hurt! and made me a little angry... i say.."Ernie when you were telling me what you believe I thought it was pretty bizarre, but i didn't laugh at you" (I was starting to tear up with anger/hurt-ness) he says "well you should have" then he starts going off and I couldn't even look at him! I turned around and there was a dog so i started petting him... I almost grabbed sister Gardner and left but.......... I prayed for patience and to be Christ-like.. ha ha i was SOOO MAD... I pet the dog for about 5 minutes.. then turned back to him. he said some more hypocritical and rude things then we left telling him that if he ever needed anything to give us a call =) HA HA oh man.......... nice guy. Love him... I will teach him in the spirit world.

These are my knees after we pray on our prayer rugs =)
We met a 96 year old woman named Pearl. She is soooooooo AMAZING! she had a little  trampoline sitting there and i said " I bet you jump on that every morning huh!?!" you know..just joking around.. and she said "yes actually, every morning.. you see that wire above it, I hold on to that and jump!" WHAT!! HA HA THAT Is so awesome. she also rides on this little bike thing too, and does weights every morning! man she is so cute! i love old people! she wasn't interested in the gospel... but it's ok i will get her in the spirit world too!

Sister Gardner made me blue berry muffins for my birthday! =D
They have this thing called "art tour". All the artists in yucca and 29 Palms have their art all over their house and people come in and look around and buy stuff if they want. And we have 2 amazing women in our ward named Nicole Vikdal and Susan Madsen. They are also artists and their work is sooooooooooooooo rad! Check their stuff out. They have Facebook pages and stuff.

 This is a cake we got from one of our investigators! It's amazing! Yum!

So we met this guy named Jay, we think he was drunk or high... but we gave him our number... and..... i guess he thought i was hitting on him cause he called on Sunday and told us that he came to church and people told him to leave... "he must have been intoxicated..." but.. he ask me if i was married.. I said no.. then he asked in his slurring voice " about sometime we go to lunch?" I say.. Uh.............. well as missionaries we teach people...blah blah then he laughed and said ok well lets go to lunch then go to church blah blah ha ha it was funny slash sad.. he needs the gospel... hopefully he comes next week. Sober. 
Ok I've gotta go! i love y'all! Thank you so much for all the Happy birthdays =) I'm 22... what the.... 

 These are my new pants my mom sent me.

  Mom... We can't eat coffee candy... Ha ha ha


 Sister Kersey Davis

Let the savior lead you to.....

......happily ever after!

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