Thursday, May 15, 2014

Week 45

I don't have much to talk about this week... sooo............ sorry about that! Things are going great, Sister Rogers and I did MUCH BETTER this week with our relationship. I'm trying and praying really hard on how to be better for her. 

This week we had a GREAT lesson with Maudie (single mom with 4 kids) we have struggled to teach her the restoration so we decided to go through a different path... we taught her the plan of salvation and we actually got through the whole lesson! and she was engaged and listening and not on guard! As i bore my testimony the spirit witnessed to me AGAIN that what i was teaching her was true and that this life is NOT the end. I have such a strong testimony of the plan of salvation, and nothing can shake my that.I know that their are loved ones on the other side of the vale who are cheering us on, hoping and praying that we will make the best of this mortal life. We have so much to grow from and so much to experience in this life, we can't take it for granted. Live everyday the way the savior would. I'm so grateful i am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ, and that i know where i came from why i'm here and most important for me where i am going. 

Ok well i don't know what else to talk about! I read the conference talk from our prophet this morning, the one about being kind. I LOVE that one. We all need to remember that we are spirit brothers and sisters. We are placed in this spot of the world for a reason and as we associate with others we need to remember that God trusted us enough to place these people in our paths. We can either influence them to do good or bad... Leave others better than when you found them! A smile and a hug can do more than we think! 


Sister KErsey dAvis 

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