Monday, November 17, 2014

Week 71

I love this video! It give me so much strength. We watched this with a struggling member this week and i asked myself as i was watching... what is the scariest thing i have ever done?? 
Hugging my sisters my mom and dad and walking away from them at the MTC was one of the scariest things i have ever done in my life. I'm grateful for the courage my savior and Heavenly Father has given me this past 17ish months. God really is there. He isn't just a good comforting idea, he is our father and has a perfect plan for each of us. This plan isn't easy though, many of the experiences we will have her will take courage. Through prayer we can receive strength and direction.  

Lilli and Daisy Bankhead from Yucca Valley finally got baptized! They invited me to their Baptism. Betty was kind enough to come pick me up =) I was so happy to see them finally receive the Holy Ghost. It was heart warming seeing brother and Sister Bankhead so happy and proud to see their daughters baptized.
So this week we taught an member who has fallen away. he is a kind guy, doesn't do horrible things, he doesn't break the commandment all the time he has just FORGOTTEN. We talked about prayer and the awesome home teacher asked... "do you pray" the less active member said "no". Through out my mission i have learned that when we fall away it usually come form forgetting. It happens because we stop doing one of the most simple teachings Jesus Christ taught. We stop praying. In the bible dictionary it says " as soon as we learn the true relationship in which we stand toward God( namely, God is our father and we are his children) then at once prayer becomes natural and instinctive on our part. Many of the so called difficulties about prayer arise from forgetting this relationship." Prayer is where it all begins. If you feel like you are slipping away... reevaluate your prayers of if you are even praying. if you are ready to come back and want to be happier start praying again. The spirit will tell you want you need to do next. Enos 

 Me, Sister Kelly, Sister Gonzalez and sister Brant. Sister Gonzalez and i lived together for 6ish months in Yuccca Valley!!! She is going home this week!! AHH!!

Ok here is a funny-ish story i can tell y’all...This last Sunday sister Kelly and I were in the church and 2 young men probably my age started talking to us. I was absolutely freaking out inside.... haha! Not having natural association with the opposite sex has really taken its toll on me. I quickly ended the conversation and dashed off. Eye contact EEEEK!!! How do you ppl in the real world do it!?!?

I love this gospel! I love Jesus Christ!!!! 

Sister Kersey Davis 

We painted pumpkins (this is a late pic...) for Halloween with a potential investigators named Chelsea!

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