Monday, December 1, 2014

Week 74

I LOVE THANKS GIVING. How cool is it that we have a holiday centered in THANKS!?!? Thanks giving day was really fun =) we decided to visit a bunch of the members and investigators and potential investigators and just stay for 10-ish minutes and share a short message on gratitude. We were running around EVERYWHERE! It was so fun! 

I found out the Arnotts (the family i live with) grow almonds too! And avocados and grape fruit and mango! Not just oranges! This is what a almond looks like when it grows on a tree. Cool huh!?!? Their oranges are WAY good.

 The message we shared was a story in the Bible. Luke 17:11-19. It's about 10 lepers who meet Jesus and they ask for mercy and that Jesus would heal them. Jesus told them that if they went to the priests that they would be healed. The 10 lepers were excited and ran off to see the priests. Then we read....  

15: And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, and with a loud voice glorified God,

 16: And fell down on his face at his feet, giving him thanks: and he was a Samaritan.
 17: And Jesus answering said, Were there not ten cleansed? but where are the nine?

Only 1 man came back to thank Christ. I know when i read that i thought to myself "wow.... how many times have i forgot to thank someone or i have chosen not to thank someone because i am too prideful". Then we handed out thank you cards and invited everyone to write a thank you note right then and there. I LOVED seeing a few husbands and wives hand each other cards and seeing the smiles they exchanges after reading them. And hearing grand kids thank their grandparents for EVERYTHING. It was very rewarding. I know when someone acknowledges something i have done and thanks me it makes me want to do more good/nice things! it makes me want to do better!

I want this rug.

I have two miracles i want to share that happened this week... 

So when i was in Fontana Sister Buswell and i were driving along feeling kind of down because one of our investigators didn't show up for her appointment AGAIN.... when we see a woman in her yard watering her flowers. She was wearing a beautiful white dress and smiled and waved at us. We smiled and waved back and continued to drive and talked marveled at how kind she was to smile and wave at us! We are usually the ones who do that... as we continue down the road we said "should we go back and talk to her...??" hesitantly we turned around and parked the car near her house and awkwardly walked towards her. She was happy to see us!! She speaks only Spanish so Sister Buswell and i introduce ourselves and talk to her in our extremely broken Spanish. She gets her phone out and calls her husband and says "talk to him" we talk to him and set up a time for them to meet with the Spanish missionaries. The appointment time came a week later we show up at their house and the Elders forgot about the appointment........... and so did Fanny and her husband............... =/ we wrote a note and left it on their door and left the Spanish elders number with the note. We left and forgot about the whole situation.... about 5 days ago i get a call from the AP's and they ask me if i remember a "fanny from Fontana??" i say YES!!! and they tell me that her and her husband are getting baptized on Sunday!!! i was able to attend the baptism =) it was absolutely amazing. My faith grew so much. Fanny and her husband is my 3% miracle! (Only 3% of people get baptized if the missionaries find them randomly) They were SO happy at the baptism! i could see it in their eyes! I am so grateful that i get to be a full time servant of Jesus Christ, his work is absolutely AMAZING!

This is Fanny and her husband after their baptism!!! I wanted to speak to her soooooo bad!! I forgot a lot  of the Spanish i learned in Fontana =(
I told her that i am excited to talk to her in heaven someday =)

Sister Kersey Davis 

I love being a warrior for Jesus Christ! I will fight for him forever.


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